We have a new meeting place. While the Modesto Library is closed for renovation (2025-2026), we’ll be meeting in the Community Room of the Salida Library. For address and directions, go to Library Locations and select Salida.
Also a new day and time. Our volunteer-run program will meet on the second Tuesday of each month from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. We’ll post our meetings on the Friends of the Modesto Library calendar and on the Stanislaus County Library’s calendar with Salida’s other events.
Like to knit or crochet? Come join this friendly group that’s been making yarn art for the Modesto Library since March 2021. (Woo hoo! It’s our 4-year anniversary!) Work on your own piece–or contribute to our current project–while socializing, trading hints, and making friends. Beginners to experts are welcome. No registration required.
Want to learn to knit or crochet? Most months we have instructors available to get you started either knitting or crocheting. If you’re a novice, please complete this registration form so we’ll know to expect you. Bring supplies if you have them, but we’ll have a small supply of materials on hand.
Can my child attend? This program was designed for adults, but we understand younger people enjoy yarn arts, too. Those age 12+ may attend, but we ask that an adult accompany them and share the learning experience.
What project is the group working on now? For the next month or two, we’re making hats and gloves to distribute to clients of CalPride Stanislaus and the unhoused in our community. During the winter, people regularly visit their office asking for beanies and gloves to fend off the cold. Let’s do what we can to help. Dig into your yarn stash if you have one; washable yarn, please. If not, contact Ellen at membership@modestolibraryfriends.org to get some of ours. Please make items to fit adult men and women–as many as you can. We’ll collect your hats and gloves at our monthly meetings and deliver them to CalPride’s office. See the items already made and delivered on Instagram and Facebook.
Learn more about the group
Please consider supporting Yarning with Friends by joining Friends of the Modesto Library.
The group meets in the Community Room of the Salida Library.
- Second Tuesdays from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
There is:
- No charge to attend, but we ask that you register here or below if you’re a novice who’ll need instruction (we want to be ready for you!)
- No commitment to continue attending (but we hope you’ll want to!)
- No commitment to work on any Yarning with Friends projects (but extra hands are always welcome!)
Ellen Dambrosio
Membership Director and Crochet Instructor
Event Sponsors
We have a new meeting place. While the Modesto Library is closed for renovation (2025-2026), we’ll be meeting in the Community Room of the Salida Library. For address and directions, go to Library Locations and select Salida. Also a new day and time. Our volunteer-run program will meet on the second Tuesday of each month from […]
Salida Library Community Room admin@modestolibraryfriends.org