Interested in knitting or crocheting? Yarning with Friends has a new meeting place–the Salida Library. Details of our next meeting (April 8, 2025) are on our calendar.

For the latest information on the Modesto Library Improvement Project and the services offered during the closure, visit the Modesto Library website.

A smiling blond woman wearing glasses
Paula Treick DeBoard, fiction writer, educator, and bookstore owner, will be the guest speaker at the Friends’ annual meeting.

FOML Annual Meeting Set for March 5 at Salida Regional Library

The Friends of the Modesto Library’s annual membership meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 5, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Salida Regional Library. This is an informative and important meeting about what’s going on now and what’s ahead for FOML.

The Nominating Committee will present a slate of board officers for the coming year and we’ll review both FOML’s accomplishments during the last year as well as preview our activities for 2025. In addition, County Library Director Sarah Dentan will provide an update on the Modesto Library renovation.

We are also delighted to welcome as our guest speaker Paula Treick DeBoard, who will talk to us about all things literary – from owning an independent bookstore to her experiences as a published author and more. Paula is a fiction writer, educator and the owner of Bookish, an independent bookstore that opened in Modesto in 2024. She is the author of four novels: “Here We Lie” (2018), “The Drowning Girls” (2016), “The Fragile World” (2014), and “The Mourning Hours” (2013). Paula teaches creative writing at the University of California, Merced and is always plotting her next story. She lives in Modesto with her husband Will and their two rescue pups. Paula will not be selling her books that day, but if you have a book you would like signed, bring it to the meeting.

We hope to see you at the FOML Annual Meeting, March 5, from 4 to 6 p.m., Salida Regional Library, 4835 Sisk Road, Salida.

Friends of the Modesto Library promotes community goodwill and support for the Modesto Library; stimulates public awareness of the library and its needs; encourages gifts of money and time that are used to provide materials and services to the library; and seeks sources of cultural and educational programs for the library.

Friends of the Modesto Library is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit registered in California. All contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by law. (ID#77-0038333).

Candid Seal of Transparency

Support Youth Programs

Friends of the Modesto Library raises money to support youth outreach programs like Summer Reading, Día de los Niños/Libros and Kids Craft Fairs. We volunteer at these and other Library events throughout the year.

Support the Modesto Library

Each year, we provide money for materials and important programs that the Modesto Library might not otherwise be able to afford. Look around the library and you'll see everything from a new giant aquarium to colorful furnishings in the Children's Library. We also help fund both adult and children's programs, and we purchase books to give free at community events such as the the Stanislaus County Fair and Día de los niños/Día de los libros.

Serve the community

Modesto Friends reach out with programs like supporting the Book Club at Juvenile Hall and Free Books at the Stanislaus County Fair. Our efforts raise awareness of the importance of the Library and of reading. Join us today!

Mission Partners

Many local businesses support Friends of the Modesto Library. We encourage you to support them, as they are supporting us.

Epic level ($1000 and above)

  • Beard Land & Investment Co.
  • McHenry Bowl

Classic level ($500-$999)

Other business partners:

  • Dittos

Companies that matched employee donations:

  • Costco
  • Gallo

Many employers will match your donations. Ask about matching gifts at work.