For the latest information on the Modesto Library Improvement Project and the services offered during the closure, visit the Modesto Library website.
Interested in knitting or crocheting? Yarning with Friends has a new meeting place–the Salida Library. Details of our next meeting (Feb. 11, 2025) are on our calendar.
By Ken Carlson
October 17, 2024 6:00 AM
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The Modesto Library is set for a major renovation that will close the facility for an extended time but transform it into a modernized facility.
Stanislaus County supervisors approved the plan Tuesday evening without discussion. The library, at 1500 I Street, is set to close Nov. 30 for critically needed renovations including asbestos remediation, heating and air conditioning improvements, elevator retrofits and lighting.
The county plans to reopen the library about 20 months later in summer 2026. Thanks to a Lifelong Legacy fundraising campaign, the modernized library will reopen with further enhancements and amenities, such as a Quiet Reading Room and a reimagined Early Learning space, a news release said Wednesday.
“I know this temporary closure may feel long, but the transformation will be significant,” County Librarian Sarah Dentan said. “We’re so excited to create a welcoming, vibrant and accessible space where the community can create, learn and discover.”
The $18.1 million renovation project is funded through a $9.97 million state library improvement grant, local library funding and county investments in the library system.
In addition, Modesto allocated $500,000 in American Rescue Plan Act funds for new furnishings and equipment. Friends of the Modesto Library have raised $2.74 million in donations thus far through the Lifelong Legacy campaign, which has a $3 million goal.
The temporary library closure will affect library programs and activities regularly offered to the community. Library officials are looking for alternative locations for those programs during the renovation project.
A month before the library closes, a special Story Time event will be held at McHenry Mansion from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Oct. 29. The McHenry Mansion Spooktacular will feature a spooky Story Time for children, along with a costume parade, trick-or-treating and other activities on the McHenry Mansion grounds, across the street from the library.
The free event is for children and their families. Halloween costumes are encouraged but not required.
The library’s collection of books and materials will be moved to the Salida Library mostly for protection during the messy renovation project. The collection will be housed in a closed area of the Salida library, but library cardholders will be able to place a hold on items and have them sent to a library branch near them.
A book drop will remain available outside the Modesto Library, in the parking lot area. An express library, with a small selection of books, will open Jan. 6 at Tenth Street Plaza, 1002 10th St., for picking up holds, returning materials and other services Monday through Saturday.
County library officials said other branch libraries in Salida, Empire and Riverbank are within 10 1/2 miles of the downtown Modesto library.
The Modesto Library was built in 1971 and minor renovations have been done over the years. But a number of badly needed improvements have been deferred until now. The library system has 13 branches and a diverse selection of materials, programs for all ages, computer access, Wi-Fi and other services for the public. More information is available at
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Friends of the Modesto Library promotes community goodwill and support for the Modesto Library; stimulates public awareness of the library and its needs; encourages gifts of money and time that are used to provide materials and services to the library; and seeks sources of cultural and educational programs for the library.
Friends of the Modesto Library is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit registered in California. All contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by law. (ID#77-0038333).
Friends of the Modesto Library raises money to support youth outreach programs like Summer Reading, Día de los Niños/Libros and Kids Craft Fairs. We volunteer at these and other Library events throughout the year.
Each year, we provide money for materials and important programs that the Modesto Library might not otherwise be able to afford. Look around the library and you'll see everything from a new giant aquarium to colorful furnishings in the Children's Library. We also help fund both adult and children's programs, and we purchase books to give free at community events such as the the Stanislaus County Fair and Día de los niños/Día de los libros.
Modesto Friends reach out with programs like supporting the Book Club at Juvenile Hall and Free Books at the Stanislaus County Fair. Our efforts raise awareness of the importance of the Library and of reading. Join us today!
Many local businesses support Friends of the Modesto Library. We encourage you to support them, as they are supporting us.
Many employers will match your donations. Ask about matching gifts at work.